Chunk Size and Retrieval Evaluation
Goal Determine the chunk size that yields the best retrieval performance for our RAG system Data Modules: Kritisches Denken , Agiles Mindset (2699, 2700) Chunk sizes: 100 and 150 20 content-related questions for each course. Method/Approach Sentence splitting for chunking SBERT for question encoding OpenSearch with vector search and retrieval (hnsw params: M=24, ef_search=100) Results Chunk size 100 best for Kritisches Denken. Chunk size 150 best for Agiles Mindset. 150 chosen for standardization Evaluation Metrics Retrieval quality: Cumulative Gain (CG at k=1 to k=6) Conclusions Standardizing to a chunk size of 150 led to consistent improvement in retrieval quality. However, retrieval performance should be monitored as new courses are added to ensure the chosen parameters remain optimal.
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